
Saturday 20 October 2012

2012 diwali fashion tips

Still figuring out what to wear and how to dress up for diwali this year? No worries! Tina will help you with this year's fashion tips to look perfect this diwali!

Lets start from the top to the bottom!

Side-braided hair will be nice for diwali this year. Most indians have curly hair, this hair do make the uniqueness of curly hair stand out!

Bindi trends hasn't change but there has been a twist with the usage of bindis. Bindis are also used for eye makeup! Scroll down for more info.
Eye makeup this year is themed Smoky Eyes. As for indians who originally have big eyes need not stress on eye makeup. Yet, eyeshadow colours for this year are rather dark.
I think you get the point here. These are called Smoky Eyes.
Simple tip for eyeshadow is that the darker colour should be at the outer right part for the right eyelid ; outer left part for the left eyelid.
Below are some examples.

How to do this?
Get it?

Ok, if you would like to try something new and different, you need to have the guts! So are you up for it?
As you can see there is a small dot beneath each eye. You can use eyeliner of your colour choice or even use small round bindis!

I strongly suggest you to use gold coloured eyeshadow because it brings out Indians' natural skin colour. Dark colours will work great too. Avoid using bright,hard colours.

Pale coloured lips are perfect for diwali 2012. Add in a bit of gloss for perfection. Avoid making it to shiny. This year, lipstick colour trends are not so bright. Bright pink and red are NO NOs! Maybe dark magenta will also work the magic.

Lets set a special earring code for this year shall we? Feathers!

If you don't like these kind of earrings, old style earrings will also make a great impact. Multi-pendant earrings are also a hit in 2012.

Multi-pendant necklaces are fit for this year's diwali.
1.Patiala with tight, fitting tops are the dress code for diwali 2012. Not too much of sequince and ambroidery. Simple yet trendy.

2. Chooridar is also the trend for this year. Go for earthy colours.

Try big and chunky bangles this year.
You can also use fabric texture bangles for a change.
Or..... Mix both!!

Golden coloured nail polish is the latest colour code following Channel's new nail polish for diwali 2012.
You can also modify it by doing leapord prints.
 If gold isn't your colour , you can use your favourite colours to make leapord prints. If using nail polish is troublesm, you can purchase nail art stickers from various stores.
 Don't forget henna! Henna will never be out-dated. Simple designs will work great.
Summer wear Egyption style goes well with Patialas while ankle-length boots or covered heals goes well with chooridars.
HAPPY DIWALI 2012! Sincerely from Tina.
<Diwali 2011 look>