
Wednesday 12 December 2012

Little Miss Rojak

Hey everyone!
It has been a while since I last updated my blog. I was busy doing something that I love,dancing!
I loved dancing since I was really young. Studying in SJK(C) Bercham during primary in the first class was tormenting. We had an average of 12 assignments(homework) a day and it reaches up to 25!
Finally,2012,Form 4,I have some time for myself. PMR's way over(btw,Straight A's),SPM is 'only next year' *giggles*.
I re-coreographed a dance I did before and performed in in front of a huge family Deepavali.
The video was posted on Facebook and the feedback was great! Oh,you can find it on my pages
1. www.facebook.com/WinceRolynDance
2. www.facebook.com/Skullz-ccsl/184325834961386
I'm coreographing a new dance and me and my sister will be joining a talent competition along with SJAM's Fellowship Dinner on the 29th of December 2012.
We're not just dancing any kind of dance. We're doing Indian Dance! We can't understand any of the words which makes it difficult. But hey,who cares? We are one. One Malaysia.

Miss Rojak signing off,ANTI RACISM!

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