
Thursday 16 August 2012

Bulan Merdeka story

I always have this 'identity crisis' thing.
People don't actually dare to mix with me because they're not sure what language should they use to speak to me.
They get confused with my tan colour and my rather tiny brown eyes.
Wait till they see my mom and they'll be like whaaa?? who's that?
Sometimes I'm Chinese,sometimes I'm Indian, sometimes I'm Malay..
sometimes =( I'm a foreigner. sob sob :'(
I never did fit in with any group of friends.
It just doesn't feel right.
I'm just me.
And here, I would like everybody to know that I am chinese mixed punjabi.
I speak English,Bahasa Malaysia,Mandarin,Cantonese and surprisingly I'm starting to speak Tamil! Thanks to my boyfriend.

I am 1 Malaysia. Let us all stand as one.
If any of you ever encounter someone like me, don't be afraid, we're all humans.
 ♥ P.S. my boyfriend is Indian ;)

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