
Friday 17 August 2012

Chocolates. You like? I like?

Dark chocolate, white chocolate, milk chocolate, sugar free chocolate, nutty chocolate, fruity chocolate, strawberry chocolate, raisins chocolate, etc.
What's you type?
I stand before all chocolate lovers to admit that I simply DO NOT LIKE CHOCOLATES!
Same goes with anything that is chocolate flavoured.
No haters please. ;)
I just don't like the taste of it no matter how good it is.
I'm sure most of you will think that how can someone NOT LOVE CHOCOLATES?!
Well, you'll have to understand that when I eat chocolates, I feel my throat burning and itching(I'm not allergic to it). It feels like eating.... eating... flour+raw eggs+tonnes of sugar, something like that.
but.. I can tolerate chocolate with nuts :)
Hey, look at the bright side chocolate lovers, at least there's one human being less to invade choclate world =D
All of us have our likes and dislikes. Maybe some of you hate coffee, maybe tea, or you hate eating apples. What I'm trying to say here is all of us are human beings,not clons. We should respect each other no matter how different we are. Never push someone aside just because they don't like what you like. Peace =)

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